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Register for Primary Testing

These instructions are only for new families to the ENP.

Families with children already enrolled in the programme must go to the ENP parents database login screen (https://enp.rosariosis.com/sis/) and click “Create student account”. If you are automatically logged in you will need to log out (top of the screen) to do so.


For new families:

Registration to ENP is in 2 steps: you first need to create student(s) account, and then, via each student account, provide detailed enrolling information and parent details.

Before creating an account, please add englishnationalprogramme@enp.rosariosis.com to your contacts list to avoid our emails being directed to your spam folder.

Note: the system does not send confirmation emails, when you click the SAVE icon a green tick mark will appear at the top of the screen, this indicates that the information has been processed.


Create student accounts

Repeat these steps for each student that you wish to enroll in the ENP then, provide detailed enrolling information and parent details (for each student)




Registering a student in the database does not automatically grant acceptance to the ENP. This depends on several factors including succeeding in the ENP entrance test and being granted a place.

If your children are accepted in the ENP you will receive an email with your parents account’s login  and password, you then need to enter your parent account and provide additional information (name and phone number of people authorized to pick-up your children after class and any medical information we should be aware of). If your children are not accepted in the ENP then all your data are discarded.

Please follow the steps below: